Wednesday, January 26, 2011

An Area for Your Comments.....

I couldn't figure out a way to just have a comment box for those assigned to evaluate my blog.  Please feel free to comment below this post with any helpful advice you may have to make my blog better.

Thanks in advance for your constructive criticism!



Teri said...

Purpose: The purpose of your blog is clear. It is geared toward this communications class, but it also has the feel that it could be for anyone.

Design: The design is very simple, but cheery. The blue background with the touch of green reminds me of spring when winter is gone and there are signs of new life! The font size is perfect for someone who may have trouble reading small print. If I see font that is too small, I will pass over reading the article…so you chose well.

Content: Your titles are great. Titles draw the reader in. The posts are well written.

Audience: Your blog is geared toward this class, but is something others outside of the class could take an interest in.
Recommendations: I would like to see more of your personality in your writings. Perhaps you could add some stores or reports that you have written for previous classes.

Erina said...

Ms Vicky -

The purpose of your blog, like the rest in our class, is to showcase what has been learned while pursuing your degree with Ashford in the communications field. While it may seem we can leave the purpose to simply be for our classmates, the blog is out there for anyone who wants to read it.

I like that you have chosen a friendly and cheery background image of nature. It lets the readers, or passers by note that you are a cheery and friendly person, as opposed to dark and dreary. I appreciate the white background to your blog postings, and some forget and the background can make it near impossible to read the actual blog. Kudos to you.

As Teri mentioned in her critique of your blog, I too enjoy your captions for your blog postings. They are straight to the point, but also give a little humor. I appreciate that you created a post specific for those to critique your blog and leave you feedback. That was definitely a smart idea, and I wish I would have thought of it.

While perusing your blog space, it would seem very straight to the point, based for communication students and professors. A place that anyone outside of these "walls" might feel a little lost. If you want to expand your audience, try adding personal touches like pictures to go along with your postings, or personal anecdotes that can tie your readers in with you a little better. So they feel like they know who the author is a little more. We all like to relate to what we are reading - at least I know that is what keeps me intrigued.

Kudos to you on your overall blog!

A little about the blogger.... said...

to Teri & Erina -
Thanks for your feedback! I hope you take some time to come back and visit to see the improvements!

Teri said...

I love the photos you added to your blog. I am having such a hard time doing that. I have tried and I mess up. Any advice?


A little about the blogger.... said...

Terri - inserting the photos was fairly easy. I went back to the design tab, chose the Postings tab, at the bottom of that area there is a link called Return to List of Posts. Select the post you wish to edit, choose the function that looks like mountians with blue sky, and you will be able to browse to find your photo. (I had placed mine on my desktop). Hope that helps!