Thursday, January 13, 2011

Social Networks – Are you Connected?

Social networks deliver information in real-time to many diverse audiences.  Although referred to as social networks, this big business venue goes much beyond its name.  Social networks can be built for professional reasons, advertising, just-for-fun, education, workplace, political, and not-for-profit just to give a few examples.  From blogs, Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn, to forums specific to common interests – social networking is the here and now way to communicate via the internet.  

Social Networks are growing among all age groups as this technology provides an avenue for business, organizations, or individuals to reach out to the public or a network of individuals.  Communication may range from broadcasting events, news, messages of all kinds, and discussions.  This media source allows instantaneous sharing of information that might not otherwise occur.  The communication is convenient, fun, and is a great way to stay in touch, reconnect, make a connection, or spread your message. 
Social networks are popular because the information is in real-time.  For businesses and organizations it is an inexpensive way to reach a target audience quickly and directly.  Short messages can be used to gather feedback that could have been more time consuming and expensive to obtain.  Social networks are a great marketing platform for businesses or groups.  Connections are easily established with your target audience.  Social networks usually work better than relying on your audience to visit your webpage.  You are able to feed the information to your audience rather than relying on your audience to come to you.  Your audience helps promote your business, organization, or cause as they link to others and share their information.  Locally or globally – social networking is the fastest way to reach your target audience.

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